RFR: 8148188: Enhance the security libraries to record events of interest

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Fri Nov 9 11:18:52 UTC 2018


comments inline..
On 08/11/18 15:12, Erik Gahlin wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> I think we could still call the event 
> "jdk.SecurityPropertyModification", but add a @Description that 
> explains that events are only emitted for the JDK due to security 
> concerns. If we at a later stage want to include user events, we could 
> add those and remove the @Description, possibly with a setting where 
> you can specify scope, or perhaps a new event all together.
sounds fine. I've made those changes.
> Perhaps we could find a better name for the field 
> validationEventNumber? It sounds like we have an event number, which 
> is not really the case. We have a counter for the validation id.
How about 'validationCounter' ?
> I noticed that you use hashCode as an id. I assume this is to simplify 
> the implementation? That is probably OK, the risk of a collision is 
> perhaps low, but could you make the field a long, so we in the future 
> could add something more unique (Flight Recorder uses compressed 
> integers, so a long uses the same amount of disk space as an int). 
> Could you also rename the field and the annotation, perhaps 
> certificationId could work, so we don't leak how the id was implemented.
Yes - originally, I was using the certificate serial number but that may 
not always be unique (esp. for test generated certs). I've changed the 
variable name to 'certificateId' and made it a long. Renamed the 
annotation also.
> I could not find the file: 
> test/lib/jdk/test/lib/security/TestJdkSecurityPropertyModification.java
whoops - forgot to add it to mercurial tracking. there now :


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