6516099: InputStream.skipFully(int k) to skip exactly k bytes

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Fri Nov 9 19:48:48 UTC 2018

Hi Brian,

Thanks for taking the suggestions.

I think some of the statements should be normative for all 
implementations and
we're trying too hard to work with a possibly broken skip() implementation.

I would recommend that if skip does not do what is expected, then
an IOException is immediately thrown.  There's no need for a second attempt.
That will encourage correction of badly written skip() or overrides of 

Attached is a patch on top of your webrev with my attempt at
separating normative text and reducing the complexity in the @implSpec.

And the resulting javadoc:

      * Skips over and discards exactly {@code n} bytes of data from 
this input
      * stream.  If {@code n} is zero, no bytes are skipped.
      * If {@code n} is negative, then no bytes are skipped.
      * Subclasses may handle the negative value differently.
      * This method blocks until the requested number of bytes have been 
skipped, end
      * of file is reached, or an exception is thrown.
      * If end of stream is reached before the stream is at the desired 
      * then an {@code EOFException} is thrown.
      * <p> If an I/O error occurs, then the input stream may be
      * in an inconsistent state. It is strongly recommended that the
      * stream be promptly closed if an I/O error occurs.
      * Subclasses are encouraged to provide a more efficient 
implementation of this method.
      * @implSpec
      * If {@code n} is zero or negative, then no bytes are skipped.
      * If {@code n} is positive, the default implementation of this method
      * invokes {@link #skip(long)} with parameter {@code n}.  If the return
      * value of {@code skip(n)} is less than {@code n}, then {@link 
#read()} is
      * invoked repeatedly until the stream is {@code n} bytes beyond its
      * position when this method was invoked or end of stream is reached.
      * If the return value of {@code skip(n)} is greater than {@code n},
      * then an {@code IOException} is thrown.
      * @param      n   the number of bytes to be skipped.
      * @throws     EOFException if end of stream is encountered before the
      *             stream can be positioned {@code n} bytes beyond its 
      *             when this method was invoked.
      * @throws     IOException  if the stream cannot be positioned 
properly or
      *             if an I/O error occurs.

Regards, Roger

On 11/06/2018 04:30 PM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> Hello again,
> I updated the patch to address the comments made by Roger and Daniel:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpb/6516099/webrev.05/
> Specifically, the method is implemented in terms of skip() and read() and attempts to account for the possible behaviors of the former, and most of the specification is moved to an @implSpec block.
> The tests are intentionally not updated until such time as agreement on the method itself might be achieved.
> Thanks,
> Brian

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