Stream Method Proposal: long count(Predicate<? super T> predicate)

James Roper james at
Sun Nov 11 23:50:59 UTC 2018

Another reason to prefer a smaller API is that it can aid the ability to
comprehend, since there's less concepts to understand. The idea behind
design patterns is that APIs constrain themselves to just using the well
established and understood patterns, which means when someone who has never
seen the API before comes and sees code that uses it, they can understand
the code. But that only works if APIs do constrain themselves to the design
patterns - constraint is key to the advantageous application of design
patterns to APIs. does not sit by itself, it is one of
hundreds of APIs on the JVM alone, including other languages it's among
thousands of APIs that offer a functional API with filter and count
abstractions. All of these APIs share filter/count as well established,
well understood, instantly readable and understandable concepts. You don't
have to know anything about to be able to understand
exactly what filter(predicate).count() is doing. And this bootstrapping off
this large ecosystem of APIs is one of the things that make a good API. But if it were to add count/findFirst variants
that add predicates? It's not unprecedented, but it is by far less common,
which makes it less understandable. That doesn't mean we never add
convenience methods, but they do have to add a high degree of convenience
to diverge from the well established patterns, and in this case, the
convenience added is only small.

On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 at 04:39, Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at> wrote:

> Hi Jacob,
> Its hard to resist the urge to add convenience methods, they look nice
> and help a few developers.
> However, they accumulate rapidly and end up obscuring the core
> functionality.
> They can hurt comprehension since they fold different functions together
> and the collective API surface area ends up impinging on every
> developers learning curve.
> $.02, Roger
> On 11/07/2018 08:00 PM, Jacob Glickman wrote:
> >   Hello!
> >
> > I see myself having to often call count() as a terminal operation on a
> > Stream immediately after performing a filter operation. How feasible
> would
> > it be to add an overloaded count() method that accepts a Predicate, which
> > it uses as a filter before returning the count of elements in the Stream?
> > If this is supported, I'd gladly create the webrev & tests for it!
> >
> > I suppose the method signature can be something along the lines of:
> >
> >      long count(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
> >
> > It would also seem reasonable to give this method to IntStream,
> > DoubleStream, and LongStream, but allowing them to use IntPredicate,
> > DoublePredicate, and LongPredicate respectively.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jacob Glickman

James Roper
Architect, Office of the CTO, Lightbend, Inc.
@jroper <>


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