RFR: 8214078: Jtreg test java/nio/file/DirectoryStream/SecureDS.java fails on ARM32

Nick Gasson Nick.Gasson at arm.com
Tue Nov 20 05:38:20 UTC 2018


Could someone please review this small patch?

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214078
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~njian/8214078/webrev.0/

This fixes a failure of the java/nio/file/DirectoryStream/SecureDS.java
Jtreg test on ARM32.

Glibc by design does not expose symbols for the `stat' family of
functions, this means we cannot get the address of fstatat64 via
dlsym. For other Linux platforms we have wrappers that directly
call the system call as a workaround, but this wasn't enabled for
ARM32. Also removed the comment about this being temporary,
because this seems to be a permanent feature of glibc (see
comment in sys/stat.h).

Ran Jtreg tests with no new regressions.


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