Proposal: Add support for Process Groups to the JDK

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at
Fri Nov 23 08:10:13 UTC 2018

Hi Roger, 

> I'd be interested in hearing more about the use cases.
Well, as Thomas already stated, we use this in our test framework
and in an application server environment.

Our test scheduler runs tests of various VMs (we test OpenJDK builds,
SapMachine builds and SAP JVM builds for Java 5-12 in various
code lines (develop, test, release).  The test scheduler puts several
test runs of different test targets and different tests on one machine. 
It uses the process groups to clean up if a test finishes or, more important
crashes or  runs into timeouts. If a test times out because one process
consumes all resources on a machine (e.g., due to a bug) lost processes
break all the other tests, too. These failures of other tests often are 
not obvious to understand. 
Since we do this cleanup of processes, our test runs show much less 

In our server environment, a Java application controls the running
application and cleans up in case of problems. I can't tell more 
details as this is an SAP product.

> There seem to be many cases where containers are doing the management
> of groups of processes.
Yes. This shows how much demand there is for software that controls an
application. It is a pity a container infrastructure can not be built in Java 
currently.  Thomas' extension is a step to build this in Java, too.

I think Thomas' change is a very nice little extension that does not
disturb the existing code besides adding some fields. But there never
should be that much instances of ProcessBuilder that this matters.

Best regards,

> The function will need to have an equivalent on Windows.
> The expressed use case is taking advantage of Posix/Unix signal behavior.
> But there are oh so many issues with signals, its likely to be a big can
> of worms.
> You mention a desire for other Posix functions, please elaborate.
> If there's a way to scope it reasonably then a JEP is the process to pursue.
> Thanks, Roger
> On 11/12/2018 12:29 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > may I please hear your thoughts about the following proposal?
> >
> > We would like to add support for process groups to the JDK: the
> > ability to put child processes into new or pre-existing process
> > groups. We added this feature to our proprietary port some time ago
> > and has been very useful in cases where the VM acts in a process
> > scheduling role.
> >
> > With process groups we mean of course standard Unix process groups.
> > There exists a similar concept on Windows, Job Objects, so at least a
> > subset of what we propose could be done in a platform independent way.
> >
> > ----
> >
> > Motivation:
> >
> > Most importantly, the ability to safely terminate a group of processes.
> >
> > The established way to do this is, since Java 9, to iterate over a
> > process tree, calling Process.children() or Process.descendants() on
> > the root Process, and killing them using Process.destroy().
> >
> > In practice, that approach is not always a good fit. It leaves out any
> > orphaned processes; any deceased non-leaf process in the tree makes
> > its children unreachable. Worst case, if the root process dies, all
> > children are orphaned and cannot be reached. Another limitation is
> > that this only works for process trees - parent-child relationships -
> > but not for unrelated processes one might want to group together. It
> > also becomes a bit inefficient with many processes, requiring one JNI
> > call/system call per process to kill.
> >
> > Process groups, OTOH, would allow us to group together any number of
> > unrelated processes. We can then send them bulk signals, eg
> > SIGTERM/SIGKILL with only one system call. And for that to work, the
> > parent relationships do not matter, so we also reach processes which
> > have been orphaned.
> >
> > There are more things one could do with process groups besides killing
> > them: suspend/resume them together (SIGSTOP/CONT), or to send them to
> > the background of the controlling terminal.
> >
> > In fact, one could write its own shell in Java :)
> >
> > ----
> >
> > I drew up a tiny patch to demonstrate how this could look. This is
> > just an example, to have something to play with and talk about:
> >
> >
> support/webrev.01/webrev/index.html
> >
> > and here is a small usage example:
> >
> >
> repros/blob/master/src/other/RuntimeExecSimpleTestWithProcessGroup.ja
> va
> >
> > The suggested API changes are small:
> >
> > - A new class ProcessGroup as the platform's notion of a process
> > group. In this patch, it offers four functions:
> >    - destroy()/destroyForcibly() terminate or kill the whole process group
> >    - suspend()/resume() puts them to sleep and wakes them up.
> >    More functionality could be added if needed. This mostly depends on
> > how tightly we want to be bound by platform limitations on Windows,
> > where process groups cannot be translated 1:1 to Job Objects.
> >
> > - ProcessBuilder has now two new attributes:
> >    - createProcessGroup() is a boolean flag directing the builder to
> > let sub processes create their own process group, with themselves
> > being the leader.
> >    - processGroup() is a reference to a ProcessGroup object; when not
> > null, subprocesses will join that process group.
> >
> > - The Process class gets a new query method to retrieve a ProcessGroup
> > object linked to its process group id.
> >
> > Using these building stones, a typical pattern could be:
> >
> > <example>
> >          ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
> >          processBuilder.createProcessGroup(true);  <-- next process is pg
> leader
> >
> >          Process leader = processBuilder.start();
> >
> >          ProcessGroup pgr = leader.processGroup();  <-- retrieve newly
> > created process group
> >          processBuilder.processGroup(pgr); <-- next processes shall be
> > members of this process group too
> >
> >          processBuilder.start();
> >          processBuilder.start();
> >          ....
> > </example>
> >
> > and then call operations on the ProcessGroup object.
> >
> > ----
> >
> > It is clear to me that this kind of change would require probably a
> > JEP, if it is desired at all. With this mail I just wanted to gauge
> > interest.
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
> > Thanks & Best Regards, Thomas

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