[12] RFR: 8214170: ResourceBundle.Control.newBundle should throw IllegalAccessException when constructor of the resource bundle is not public.

naoto.sato at oracle.com naoto.sato at oracle.com
Tue Nov 27 23:41:56 UTC 2018

On 11/27/18 2:55 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> On 11/27/18 2:43 PM, naoto.sato at oracle.com wrote:
>>> If no-arg constructor does not exist, the javadoc does not specify 
>>> its behavior (or I'm missing it?).   I believe the current behavior 
>>> is consistent with JDK 8 behavior which throws 
>>> NoSuchMethodException.  We should fix the spec to clarify no no-arg 
>>> constructor case.
>> The javadoc is not specifically mention for the no-arg constructor 
>> case, but specifies to throw the Error/Exception wrt the instantiation 
>> failure:
>> "If a resource bundle can't be instantiated due to an unexpected 
>> error, the error must be reported by throwing an Error or Exception 
>> rather than simply returning null."
>> The current behavior is inconsistent with the releases prior to JDK9, 
>> as it silently ignores NoSuchMethodException and returns null, while 
>> JDK8 throws IAE.
> There are two cases:
> 1. PrivateConstructorRB has a private no-arg constructor
> This is the bug this issue reports.
> 2. PrivateConstructorRB does not have any no-arg constructor (you have 
> to create a new test case for it)
> I believe the behavior is not changed in JDK 9.  It throws 
> NoSuchMethodException (not ignored).

In this case, the behavior is not changed. However, it does not throw 
NoSuchMethodException from newBundle(), both in JDK8 and current. It 
simply returns null, and the cause in the resulting 
MissingResourceException is "null".


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