[12] RFR: 8214170: ResourceBundle.Control.newBundle should throw IllegalAccessException when constructor of the resource bundle is not public.

naoto.sato at oracle.com naoto.sato at oracle.com
Thu Nov 29 17:08:59 UTC 2018


I updated the webrev, incorporating Mandy's suggestions. Please review.



On 11/28/18 5:56 AM, naoto.sato at oracle.com wrote:
> Thank you, Mandy, for pointing out. I was wrong on JDK8 result. With a 
> modified test case, I got the following result for jdk8 and jdk12:
> jdk8u:
> slc06brs:/projects/jdk/jdk/jdk/open/test/jdk/java/util/ResourceBundle/Control 
> 479 % 
> /projects/jdk/8/jdk8u-dev/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/jdk/bin/java 
> MissingResourceCauseTest
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
> getBundle("PrivateConstructorRB") throws 
> java.lang.InstantiationException: PrivateConstructorRB, expected class 
> java.lang.IllegalAccessException
>      at 
> MissingResourceCauseTest.callGetBundle(MissingResourceCauseTest.java:56)
>      at 
> MissingResourceCauseTest.callGetBundle(MissingResourceCauseTest.java:43)
>      at MissingResourceCauseTest.main(MissingResourceCauseTest.java:34)
> jdk12:
> slc06brs:/projects/jdk/jdk/newera/open/test/jdk/java/util/ResourceBundle/Control 
> 488 % /projects/jdk/jdk/newera/build/linux-x64/jdk/bin/java 
> MissingResourceCauseTest
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
> getBundle("PrivateConstructorRB") throws null, expected class 
> java.lang.IllegalAccessException
>      at 
> MissingResourceCauseTest.callGetBundle(MissingResourceCauseTest.java:55)
>      at 
> MissingResourceCauseTest.callGetBundle(MissingResourceCauseTest.java:42)
>      at MissingResourceCauseTest.main(MissingResourceCauseTest.java:34)
> So, for missing no-arg constructor, jdk8 throws MissingResourceException 
> with InstantiationException as the cause, and jdk12 throws 
> MissingResourceException with the "null" cause.
> Naoto
> On 11/27/18 3:41 PM, naoto.sato at oracle.com wrote:
>>> 2. PrivateConstructorRB does not have any no-arg constructor (you 
>>> have to create a new test case for it)
>>> I believe the behavior is not changed in JDK 9.  It throws 
>>> NoSuchMethodException (not ignored).
>> In this case, the behavior is not changed. However, it does not throw 
>> NoSuchMethodException from newBundle(), both in JDK8 and current. It 
>> simply returns null, and the cause in the resulting 
>> MissingResourceException is "null".
>> Naoto

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