Convert old-style array declarations (was: Re: ByteArrayOutputStream should not have a new writeBytes method in Java)

Tagir Valeev amaembo at
Mon Oct 1 03:40:52 UTC 2018


Ok, let's start with smaller thing which is java.desktop. Created a
JBS issue and posted a patch here:


> Although cleanup like this is nice, I'll give a word of warning that pervasive
> changes like that can sometimes cause difficulties when there are lots of
> changes in code which is undergoing different lines of development in different
> branches or repos. If nothing else, I'd consider doing it on a per-component
> or per-module basis.

I'm not sure I have enough time to post 70+ reviews for every module
and track all of them. My volunteering abilities are quite limited :-)
I think I can manage up to 3-4 separate changesets including already
posted java.desktop change. If you have suggestions on how to split
this to several big parts, you are welcome (I don't know how
"components" are mapped to modules, probably components are big
enough?). Or probably we can cover only part of modules for now and
wait for the next volunteer to pick up this.

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 5:41 AM Sergey Bylokhov
<Sergey.Bylokhov at> wrote:
> I can review the changes in java.desktop, please use these email alias
> awt-dev/2d-dev/swing-dev.
> On 28/09/2018 04:13, Alan Bateman wrote:
> > As regards doing the entire source base then I think that would be good.
> > Due to the complexity of testing, changes to the java.desktop module are
> > pushed to jdk/client repo rather than jdk/jdk so if it's not too awkward
> > then it might be helper if the patch for java.desktop were a separate
> > change that gets pushed to jdk/client rather than jdk/jdk.
> --
> Best regards, Sergey.

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