AW: RFR: 8211859: (fc) Avoid initializing AtomicBoolean fromRandomAccessFile

Bernd Eckenfels ecki at
Mon Oct 8 19:28:24 UTC 2018

getChannel() Synchronizes only on `this` and `close()` on `closeLock`. It does I guess work since the important part is make sure only one thread does the close work, however Publishing the close change to getChannel is a secondary effect of the AtomicBoolean which the new Version does not have(?).

I guess the most efficient method would be to only use this as a monitor. While this is not the cleanest usage it is already used, so it does not make it worse…


Von: Alan Bateman
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Oktober 2018 21:21
An: Claes Redestad; core-libs-dev
Betreff: Re: RFR: 8211859: (fc) Avoid initializing AtomicBoolean fromRandomAccessFile

On 08/10/2018 16:32, Claes Redestad wrote:
> Hi,
> aligning the closing of RandomAccessFiles with the implementation in 
> FileInput-/OutputStream improves startup in a few tests.
> Webrev:
> Bug:
This looks okay to me.


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