[12] RFR: 8210142: java.util.Calendar.clone() doesn't respect sharedZone flag

Roger Riggs roger.riggs at oracle.com
Tue Sep 4 20:41:40 UTC 2018

Hi Naoto,

That access via reflection is going to go away sometime; so I'm not too 
concerned about
maintaining compatibility of the internal implementation.
I think I'd rather see the memory savings, however small.
Let see if anyone else has a recommendation.


On 9/4/18 4:12 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> Yes, I considered that too, but did not change the behavior and just 
> to maintain the field consistent. I agree that it would not be 
> observable via the public Calendar API, but some apps (like how the 
> submitter found it) may be doing something using reflection.
> Naoto
> On 9/4/18 12:31 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>> Hi Naoto,
>> The spec for clone doesn't say whether the clone should share or not 
>> share the TimeZone.
>> Did you consider that if sharedZone was true , *not* to clone the 
>> TimeZone?
>> It would still get cloned when requested from getTimeZone().
>> This does seem somewhat safer not to change the cloning behavior but 
>> I don't think the behavior would be observable.
>> The current code and test is fine, except for reducing the potential 
>> for sharing the TimeZone.
>> Thanks, Roger
>> On 9/4/2018 2:14 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please review the fix to the following issue:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210142
>>> The proposed fix is located at:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8210142/webrev.00/
>>> The fix is a simple one line change, which is to make the sharedZone 
>>> field consistent with the cloned TimeZone instance in Calendar.clone().
>>> Naoto

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