RFR(JDK12/JAXP/java.xml) 8207760: SAXException: Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected: d83c ?

Lance Andersen lance.andersen at oracle.com
Wed Sep 12 23:25:36 UTC 2018

Hi Joe,

The change  seems reasonable

> On Sep 12, 2018, at 2:11 PM, Joe Wang <huizhe.wang at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review a patch for a situation where a surrogate pair is at the edge of a buffer. What the existing impl did was to report it as an error. This patch fixes it by caching the high surrogate and prints it out along with the low surrogate. Similar issue exists also in the CDATA section and is fixed in this patch. The CDATA impl had a couple of bugs where an indent could be written inside the CDATA and an unicode character written in between two CDATA sections. Both are fixed in this patch.
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207760
> webrevs: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk12/8207760/webrev/
> Thanks,
> Joe

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 <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
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