Review Request JDK-8210721: Replace legacy serial exception field with Throwable::cause

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Mon Sep 17 10:14:05 UTC 2018

On 14/09/2018 18:46, mandy chung wrote:
> Jason also caught this accidental change in a different thread [1] and also
> suggests to call super.getCause since getCause is not final and may be
> overridden.  The updated webrev is:

Looks good to me Mandy!

best regards,

-- daniel

> Thanks
> Mandy
> [1] 
>> Obviously no need for another webrev, and no need for a new
>> fix if you pushed already...
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 13/09/2018 19:44, mandy chung wrote:
>>> A few exception classes such as ExceptionInInitializerError, 
>>> InvocationTargetException,
>>> etc were defined prior to the exception chaining facility and 
>>> provides the API to get
>>> the cause of the exception. These classes keep its legacy serial 
>>> field e.g.
>>> ExceptionInInitializerError::exception to get the serialization to 
>>> work on older JDK version.
>>> During the review of JDK-8209553 [1], Peter and Joe suggest to remove 
>>> this legacy
>>> serial field and implement the serialization using 
>>> serialPersistentFields, readObject
>>> and writeObject.   It turns out that these redundant fields were 
>>> removed when the
>>> exception chaining support was initially implemented but it got 
>>> reverted to fix
>>> JDK-4385429 since Throwable::setCause rejects any further change as
>>> Throwable::cause has been initialized to null.
>>> This patch removes these legacy serial field and stores the cause in 
>>> Throwable::cause.
>>> It's essentially a redo for the fix for JDK-4385429.
>>> webrev:
>>> Mandy
>>> [1] 

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