ByteArrayOutputStream should not have a new writeBytes method in Java

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Fri Sep 28 22:06:05 UTC 2018

On 09/28/2018 04:13 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 28/09/2018 05:51, Tagir Valeev wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I can volunteer doing this if OpenJDK community is really interested.
>> I've launched the inspection over all java.* and jdk.* modules and
>> found 4064 warnings.
>> As an example, I converted all C-style array declarations in java.base
>> module (660 warnings in 168 files). Here's the webrev:
>> To me it's easier to review the whole patch rather than click on 
>> every file:
>> I checked the result by eyes thoroughly and did not find anything
>> wrong. So if you're interested I can prepare a patch which covers any
>> full JDK sources or any subset of it.
>> The only questions are which subset should be processed and should I
>> also update copyrights for changed files (doing this automatically
>> could be more risky unless there's
>> already well-tested utility to do this).
> Good to see this. Updating the copyright dates is annoying but if you 
> can do that then it would be good. There is a script to do a bulk 
> update that I think is better for cases like this but it doesn't seem 
> to be run very often these days.
> As regards doing the entire source base then I think that would be 
> good. Due to the complexity of testing, changes to the java.desktop 
> module are pushed to jdk/client repo rather than jdk/jdk so if it's 
> not too awkward then it might be helper if the patch for java.desktop 
> were a separate change that gets pushed to jdk/client rather than 
> jdk/jdk.
> -Alan

Although cleanup like this is nice, I'll give a word of warning that 
changes like that can sometimes cause difficulties when there are lots of
changes in code which is undergoing different lines of development in 
branches or repos. If nothing else, I'd consider doing it on a per-component
or per-module basis.

As regards copyrights, there are scripts to fix dates that only modify the
affected files (as compared to what I think Alan is referring to, which is
a script to modify all files in the repo which have been edited that year.)

-- Jon

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