[Bug] zipfs unintentionally ignores umask/permissions

Osipov, Michael michael.osipov at siemens.com
Mon Aug 19 16:53:27 UTC 2019

Am 2019-08-19 um 18:48 schrieb Alan Bateman:
> On 19/08/2019 16:39, Osipov, Michael wrote:
>> :
>> Note that this also happens when the file is already there. The 
>> permissions are *not* retained and this causes here a lot of grief. 
>> zip(1) does not suffer from this nor does ZipOutputStream as you can see.
>> I'd expect that reading the attributes from zfpath, moving and then 
>> settings them is a good option.
> Thanks for the bug report, I've created JDK-8229888 [1] to track it.
> -Alan
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229888

Hi Alan,

thanks for the JIRA issue. The title is somewhat misleading because it 
happens always. On create and on update due to the temp file approach.

How is your backport policy? I'd expect an upcoming fix to land in Java 
11 and -- especially -- Java 8. HPE will then provide an update for us 
on HP-UX from the OpenJDK sources.



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