AW: jdk-14-jpackage+1-33 on

Schnoor Jonas Schnoor.Jonas at
Tue Aug 27 08:06:55 UTC 2019

First of all: Thank you very much for JPackage. This looks very promising.

To give some feedback: I just tried JPackage on Windows 10 and I believe I ran into this bug:
It says the bug is fixed but I do not see anything written to either System.out or System.err.
To make sure it was not something I am doing inside my application I tested it with a simple "Hello World" example and got the same result.
When executing the JAR file directly using java -jar <JAR-File> I get the expected output in the CMD window.

Can someone confirm this? Is this expected behaviour?

BTW: When running the application inside the Git Bash (with MinGW) the output is displayed. But inside a Powershell/CMD window the output is _not_ displayed.
If the application is started from a batch file no output is displayed either.

-- Jonas

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