RFR 8234147 : Avoid looking up standard charsets in core libraries

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Dec 1 19:10:45 UTC 2019

On 01/12/2019 08:44, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
> :
> Personally, I think that using constants sun.nio.cs.xxx.INSTANCE is 
> not too bad even in the code that is unlikely to be executed during 
> the VM startup.  One small advantage is that if the code is 
> copy/pasted within the java.base module, it will not bring the risk of 
> early initialization of StandardCharsets.
> With NTLM, however, switching to StandardCharsets allows to remove 
> sun.nio.cs.UTF_16LE.INSTANCE and all other corresponding modifications.
> So, I used StandardCharsets in NTLM (and in XML and SOCKS, as you 
> suggested), and left sun.nio.cs constants in all other places.
> Here's the updated webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/8234147/02/webrev/
> It builds fine, tests run fine.
Okay although my personal view is that a lot of this is unnecessary, 
e.g. the pack200 Driver class, IllegalAccessMap is not used at run-time 
with images builds, the InetAddress hosts file requires a special 
property to enable, and several others. On the other hand, there are 
several places where the handling of UnsupportedEncodingException goes 
away so those parts are good.


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