request for sponsor: wavl based alternative to red-black TreeMap

Raffaello Giulietti raffaello.giulietti at
Mon Dec 2 21:57:22 UTC 2019


is anybody interested in sponsoring me on exploring a wavl tree 
implementation of TreeMap [1]?

For some reason related to gmail, I'm not able to get messages targeted 
to the mailing list alone, so please cc: me as well.


(Here are some highlights of wavl trees:
* worst case height when built without deletions: ~1.4404 lg n
* worst case number of rotations for a deletion: 2

As a comparison, the same figures for red-black trees:
* worst case height when built without deletions: ~2 lg n
* worst case number of rotations for a deletion: 3

Other measures are like those of red-black trees or better.)



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