[RFR] 8216362: Incorrect jar file error message when there is an invalid manifest

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
Wed Jan 9 21:12:21 UTC 2019


On 01/09/2019 03:46 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Looks good.
> --Sean
> On 1/9/19 3:42 PM, Lance Andersen wrote:
>> Here is the webrev for the changes:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lancea/8216362/webrev.00/index.html
>> Best
>> Lance
>>> On Jan 9, 2019, at 12:13 PM, Sean Mullan <sean.mullan at oracle.com 
>>> <mailto:sean.mullan at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>> On 1/8/19 7:17 PM, Philipp Kunz wrote:
>>>> Manifest.read throws an exception with the jar file name passed to 
>>>> the constructor the manifest was constructed with and not passed to 
>>>> the call to the read that throws the exception because the 
>>>> jarFilename variable is not reset after successful construction 
>>>> with read and will be used by subsequent calls to read if read is 
>>>> called (again) after the manifest has been constructed. The call to 
>>>> the constructor could be in a different context than the call to 
>>>> read and the jar file name could therefore be exposed in an 
>>>> unexpected context. After I first thought it was just annoying to 
>>>> get an unrelated jar file name in an exception message I see now a 
>>>> security concern as well.
>>> That's a good point (and good catch!). I think we need to adjust the 
>>> code so that if read is called and it throws an Exception it only 
>>> contains the jar file name if called by the constructors in which 
>>> the jar file name is passed as a parameter. Perhaps break up the 
>>> read method into a private and public one with the private one 
>>> containing an additional boolean parameter that is set to true if 
>>> called by the constructor, otherwise it is false. If the boolean 
>>> parameter is true, the jar file name is put in the exception, 
>>> otherwise it is not.
>>> I also think we should fix this in 12, so I raised the priority to 3.
>>> --Sean
>>>> At first glance and in terms of expectable code changes to the 
>>>> questionable constructor of Manifest the above mentioned seems to 
>>>> be overlapping with issue JDK-8216362 but then JDK-8216362 is about 
>>>> the jar file name missing in an error message when it should be 
>>>> present and not the other way round. Attached is a patch for 
>>>> JDK-8216362 as it is described at the moment.
>>>> Philipp
>>>> On Tue, 2019-01-08 at 13:07 -0500, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>>>> In this case, the caller is passing in the filename through the 
>>>>> public
>>>>> JarFile API so as long as it is not modified it should be ok. The
>>>>> concerns I raised previously are situations where the caller did not
>>>>> pass in the file or the JDK converts a relative path to an absolute
>>>>> path, which could reveal sensitive details about the filesystem.
>>>>> --Sean
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