RFR 8080569: (process) java/lang/ProcessBuilder/DestroyTest.java fails with "Process terminated prematurely"

Lance Andersen lance.andersen at oracle.com
Mon Jan 14 20:18:22 UTC 2019

Dead wood be gone :-)

All good
> On Jan 14, 2019, at 3:05 PM, Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the reviews.
> As suggested, cleaned up a bit more dead wood.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-destroytest-8080569-4/
> Thanks, Roger
> On 01/14/2019 01:56 PM, Brent Christian wrote:
>> Hi, Roger
>> On Windows, the test did not check liveness, but will check it now; seems desirable.
>> I think the changes look fine as they are.  Additional refactoring possibilities for your consideration, to take or leave:
>>     * ProcessTest::isAlive() is not used
>>     * killProc() no longer needs a boolean argument
>>     * the killProc() code could be moved into runTest()
>> -Brent
>> On 1/14/19 8:56 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>>> Please review removing a test for Process.destroy().  [1]
>>> It fails intermittently and is based on an incorrect assumption.
>>> The child is a bash script that uses trap to ignore SIGTERM. The child is started and then sent SIGTERM.
>>> The child should not terminate.  However, there is a race in which in some cases the child does terminate
>>> with SIGPIPE (not SIGTERM) as a result of destroy() closing the streams.
>>> The Process implementation on Unix closes the streams after sending the SIGTERM signal
>>> and has since (forever...).  But this behavior is not documented.
>>> This test of destroy() is invalid and should be removed. Since both Mac OS and Windows
>>> already skip the testing of destroy() the test is simplified to remove it from all cases.
>>> A separate issue[2] has been created to consider documenting the
>>> Process implementations' closing of the streams.
>>> Webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-destroytest-8080569-2/
>>> Thanks, Roger
>>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8080569
>>> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8216990

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 <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
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