PING: RFR(s): (new approach) 8223777: In posix_spawn mode, failing to exec() jspawnhelper does not result in an error
Thomas Stüfe
thomas.stuefe at
Tue Jun 4 17:42:20 UTC 2019
On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 7:25 PM Martin Buchholz <martinrb at> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 8:09 AM Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> A minor concern is the impact of the extra write and read that can cause
>> rescheduling
>> of the parent and child processes. But that's probably in the noise
>> compared to the
>> real work of exec. It would raise the complexity quite a bit/too much to
>> code a single read
>> in the parent that could expect 0/4/8 bytes.
>> At ProcessImpl_md.c: 708: the "Read failed" is less than informative.
>> (Though it is the same as the pre-existing one at 720).
>> But I suppose it has never happened. The 'Exec failed' is more specific
>> than 'read'.
>> And it has probably never been seen.
> The call looks like
> throwIOException(env, errno, "Read failed");
> and that at least includes an errno, so the resulting exception should be
> useful for debugging. But yeah, we can probably do better than "Read
> failed".
How about "Failed to communicate with child process?"
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