PING: RFR(s): (new approach) 8223777: In posix_spawn mode, failing to exec() jspawnhelper does not result in an error

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at
Wed Jun 5 15:40:09 UTC 2019


Its essentially (mostly) dead code, but there is a risk of removing it.
Queue it up for the beginning of JDK 14 if its worth even touching it.
Better things to spend time on....


On 06/05/2019 10:58 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 7:51 AM David Lloyd <david.lloyd at 
> <mailto:david.lloyd at>> wrote:
>     If we're talking just Linux though, has this *ever* been an
>     issue?  You've been able to call execve on a shell script since at
>     least 2002 as far as I can tell from a quick search.  Maybe this
>     should be conditional so that it can be excluded on known-good
>     platforms?
> I can't remember for sure, but IIRC it was necessary in 2005.
> Also, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

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