[PATCH] Use StringJoiner where appropriate in java.base

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 10:55:13 UTC 2019


On 6/20/19 10:50 AM, Kasper Nielsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 19 Jun 2019 at 14:12, Сергей Цыпанов <sergei.tsypanov at yandex.ru> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> in JDK code base we have many places (mainly in j.u.Arrays) where we convert array to String using verbose constructions with StringBuilder.
>> As far as we have got StringJoiner for a long time we can use it making the code more simple.
> It may make the code simpler, but it also comes with a hefty
> performance penalty, taking twice as long in most cases compared to
> the existing code.
> A quick benchmark toString'ing int arrays of size 1,10,100,1000
> Benchmark                    (size)  Mode  Cnt      Score     Error  Units
> ToString2.toStringExisting        1  avgt    5     16.675 ±   0.327  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringExisting       10  avgt    5     78.467 ±   1.373  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringExisting      100  avgt    5    801.956 ±   7.517  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringExisting     1000  avgt    5  14944.235 ± 155.393  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringSuggested       1  avgt    5     35.053 ±   0.533  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringSuggested      10  avgt    5    222.043 ±  10.157  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringSuggested     100  avgt    5   2150.948 ±  13.285  ns/op
> ToString2.toStringSuggested    1000  avgt    5  23411.264 ± 201.721  ns/op
> /Kasper

StringJoiner may be faster if you already have String objects at hand, 
since it is able to exactly pre-size the target array and need not 
copy/resize it later, but if you append primitive types, then creating 
intermediate String objects referenced from a data structure - the 
StringJointer (so they can not be scalarized by JIT) is contra-productive.

An interesting test would be to run Kasper's JMH benchmark with "-prof 
gc" option. I think it will show more garbage created per call too.

Regards, Peter

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