RFR (T): 8226203: MappedByteBuffer.force method may have no effect on implementation specific map modes

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Fri Jun 21 14:27:22 UTC 2019

Hi Alan,

On 21/06/2019 12:34, Alan Bateman wrote:
> I saw Joe's comment on the CSR. This refinement looks good to me.
I have pushed the doc fix to jdk13.

Once it percolates to jdk14 I will post a new webrev for the JEP 352
implementation which accomodates this change. That webrev will  also
include the changes pending after Joe's review of the implementation CSR
leaving (I hope) only my recently proposed JEP updates and endorsement
to finish before it can be pushed.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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