RFR (JDK13/java.xml) 8224157: BCEL: update to version 6.3.1

Lance Andersen lance.andersen at oracle.com
Fri Jun 21 20:59:41 UTC 2019

The revised webrev looks fine Joe
> On Jun 21, 2019, at 4:20 PM, Joe Wang <huizhe.wang at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 6/21/19, 11:59 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> I promise, I will not grumble about the formatting and
>> weird white spaces [grumble grumble]...
> Someone at BCEL needs to re-format the source with a modern IDE ;-)
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk13/8224157/webrev/src/java.xml/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/classfile/ConstantUtf8.java.frames.html 
>> Is the new import really needed here?
> No, good catch.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk13/8224157/webrev/src/java.xml/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/classfile/JavaClass.java.frames.html 
>> 232                 if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
>> I see use of SecuritySupport was dropped here and I think I agree,
>> as I don't see why isDirectory() would require it if mkdirs() doesn't.
> I honestly don't remember why I added that in the previous update. But you're right, and all test run proved it.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk13/8224157/webrev/src/java.xml/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/classfile/LineNumberTable.java.udiff.html 
>> Are the changes in toString() actually correct?
> No, it's not. Good catch again! The change in the last update was correct
>> Otherwise I believe the rest looks mostly OK.
> Thanks Daniel!  Here's an updated webrev:
> Full webrev (for the record)
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk13/8224157/webrev_02/
> A short version of webrev_02 that includes the only files mentioned in this review:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk13/8224157/webrev_02_short/
> I'm re-running all tests.
> Best regards,
> Joe
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 20/06/2019 23:45, Joe Wang wrote:
>>> Please review an update to BCEL 6.3.1. This changeset will go into JDK13 if approved, 14 if not.
>>> 1. Format
>>>     The changeset looks big, the majority of the changes however were only different in format (i.e. Const.java). Unlike previous updates, I'm leaving the format as they are in the upstream source so that they won't show up in future updates. The only change I made were those that had extremely long lines.
>>> 2. Exclusions
>>>     Since the BCEL component is for xml transform only, several classes, that were not in the JDK, were excluded. Among them, JavaWrapper.java for example can be problematic as it may use an user-specified classloader to load arbitrary classes. It and related classes were therefore excluded.
>>> 3. Warnings
>>>     Warnings were the main reason for the changes made to the original source. It has been done in the previous update. For this update therefore, I only had to re-apply them after making copies of the upstream source. Still, I updated the LastModified field to indicate a modification to the original source.
>>> 4. Deprecated fields to private
>>>     Deprecated fields in the original source were changed to private ones in previous update. The changes are inherited in this update. Again, the LastModified fields are also updated.
>>> 5. Test
>>>     Since the update does not affect the usage of the BCEL component, it is essential to pass all of the existing tests. I've run the tests multiple times and noted that all of the XML functional and unit tests passed, so were JCK XML tests. I've also done a comparison between builds before and after applying the BCEL update, and found no change in performance.
>>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8224157
>>> webrevs: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk13/8224157/webrev/
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joe

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 <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
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