RFR: JDK8U Backport of 8217609: New era placeholder not recognized by java.text.SimpleDateFormat

Deepak Kejriwal deepak.kejriwal at oracle.com
Mon Mar 4 08:56:59 UTC 2019

Hi Naoto,

Thanks for review. I as update the webrev as per the review comments. Please find below updated version of webrev:

Since long and Japanese Locale issue is specific to 8u and not related to new era, I have raised a new issue JDK-8220020 for it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Naoto Sato 
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 11:07 PM
To: Deepak Kejriwal <deepak.kejriwal at oracle.com>; core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net>; jdk8u-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: RFR: JDK8U Backport of 8217609: New era placeholder not recognized by java.text.SimpleDateFormat

Hi Deepak,

A few comments on the JapaneseEraNameTest:

- Please indent code blocks accordingly, i.e., names object declaration (line 47-51), for loop in the main() (line 56,59,60).

- If you are commenting out the case for LONG, please address the reason with the comment (the following explanation will do)

- If the above issue is specific to 8u, and not related to the new era, file a separate issue for 8u.


On 3/1/19 2:44 AM, Deepak Kejriwal wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please review the back port of fix for JDK-8217609 to 8u-dev:-
> JBS report: HYPERLINK 
> "https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-%208217609"https://bugs.open
> jdk.java.net/browse/JDK- 8217609
> Webrev: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pkoppula/dkejriwal/8217609/webrev.00/
> Master bug change set:  
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/8ea340a71f17
> Summary:
> Fix is backported from JDK 13 to JDK 8u and is not a clean backport. 
> Reason for that is because JDK uses CLDR version 21.01 and JDK 13 uses 
> version 33. Below are the differences between 8u and 13:-
> .         The "jp.xml" version of JDK 8u does not contains "<eraNarrow>" node (<calendar type=japanese">). Therefore "<era type="236">N</era>" which is part of fix is not added to file.
> .         I've commented out one of the test data { LONG, JAPAN, "\u5143\u53f7" } in "JapaneseEraNameTest.java"  for JDK 8u.  It checks era name returned by method "java.util.Calendar.getDisplayName(int field, int style, Locale locale)"
> o   The  test fails for this particular data on prior 8u releases across all existing eras(HEISI,SHOWA,..).
> o   The cause of issue is that CLDR java resource file (FormatData_ja.java) generated by "CLDR Converter" does not contain required resource key "japanese.long.Eras".  The "CLDR Converter" need to be fixed to address this issue. Since this issue is an existing issue data point { LONG, JAPAN, "\u5143\u53f7" } is removed from "JapaneseEraNameTest.java" for 8u.
> Regards,
> Deepak

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