jpackage ALL-SYSTEM

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Fri Mar 8 14:57:08 UTC 2019

I have made changes to my application that make it mostly functional with the exception of JMX pid attach as built by jpackage. 
I thought I had this functionality working when I first got the application to use Java 9 but it no longer appears to work again now, either with my Java 9 app or my 13-internal+0-jdk13-jpackage.17 version app.
I understand for this issue serviceability-dev might be a better list for this but there may be one jpackage issue concerned as well.
Again, I don’t consider this a jpackage problem, my application now builds as successfully as it currently can with jpackage as-is.
What I get attempting  a JMX attach is…
2019-03-08 08:27:03.173 HalfPipe[2071:67749] No attach providers
2019-03-08 08:27:03.174 HalfPipe[2071:67749] no providers installed
2019-03-08 08:27:03.174 HalfPipe[2071:67749] 	at jdk.attach/
2019-03-08 08:27:03.174 HalfPipe[2071:67749] 	at us.hall.scripting.PidConnect.pidConnect(
2019-03-08 08:27:03.174 HalfPipe[2071:67749] 	at us.hall.scripting.RhinoScriptableObject.pidConnect(

The application also can’t be connected to from jconsole. Eclipse can be, so can a Java 8 app (Weka 3-8-2). jconsole shows Eclipse doing —add-modules ALL-SYSTEM
I was going to try this with my application but it did not work. The error persisted on that as a jvm argument.
Using it as a jpackage —add-modules parameter gets... 
Module ALL-SYSTEM does not exist.

The one question I would have for jpackage is should this work as a —add-modules parameter?

However, if anyone has any suggestions on getting JMX attach to work besides adding  serviceability-dev  to my forums that would be appreciated as well.


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