jpackage ALL-SYSTEM

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Fri Mar 8 20:39:47 UTC 2019

> On Mar 8, 2019, at 12:10 PM, Andy Herrick <andy.herrick at> wrote:
> With jpackage EA 3 (build 17) the option --add-modules does not properly recognize the special cases ALL-SYSTEM, ALL-DEFAULT, and ALL_MODULE_PATH.
> This will be addressed in the next EA release.
> The default jlink options used (in EA 3) may also not include --bind-services jlink option, which it will moving forward.
> In many cases the jlink options used by jpackage to construct the runtime for a modular application may not be exactly what the application wants.
> In that case it is advisable to run jlink first to create the optimal runtime image for a specific application, then to run jpackage with --runtime-image option to use that runtime image when packaging the application.
> /Andy

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll give that a try.

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