RFR(S) : 8219139 : move hotspot tests from test/jdk/vm

Igor Ignatyev igor.ignatyev at oracle.com
Thu Mar 14 21:33:20 UTC 2019

Hi Alan,

I double checked, the test is linked w/ -ljli, and calls JNI_CreateJavaVM from libjli.so. hence I'll leave JniInvocationTest in jdk/tools/launcher.

-- Igor 

> On Feb 21, 2019, at 12:17 PM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 21/02/2019 19:55, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>> :
>> Alan, you are right, this test is a JNI test and should be moved to hotspot/runtime/jni. more details in my answer to the same comment in David's email. in two words, I accidentally looked at another test.
> Can you double check that it is actually using the JNI invocation interface directly? I don't think we were able to find anyone in Eclipse to explain what their launcher on macOS is doing. I suspect it may be directly (or indirectly) reading the CFBundleExecutable property from Info.plist and calling the JNI_CreateJavaVM function in libjli (not libjvm). We probably need more tests in this area and also a bit more archaeology to see whether this was a supported interface in Apple's JDK.
> -Alan

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