jpackage --create-installer problem on Mac when installer-type is unspecified

Lennart Börjeson lenborje at
Tue Mar 19 13:48:20 UTC 2019

Thank you.

In the bug description, you write: "LinuxDebBundler.supported() should return false if not on Debian Linux.".

I my opinion, that is not entirely correct. I have previously used javafxpackager on RedHat to produce both an rpm and a deb package. The "only" requirement is that the requisite tool, dpkg-deb, should be available.

Best regards,

/Lennart Börjeson

> 19 mars 2019 kl. 13:55 skrev Andy Herrick <andy.herrick at>:
> Thanks.  
> I have filed bug JDK-8221075 <> and we will address it .
> /Andy

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