JDK 13 RFR of JDK-8224012: AnnotatedType implementations of hashCode() lead to StackOverflowError

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed May 29 15:51:45 UTC 2019

Hi Joel,

Yes, as far as I know now, only AnnotatedTypeVariable was susceptible to 
the stack overflow problem.



On 5/29/2019 5:37 AM, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
> Hi Joe!
> Looks good to me. Looking at the summary by the end of your mail I 
> guess this is the only subtype that needs fixing?
> Cheers
> /Joel
> On Wed, 29 May 2019 at 07:52, Joe Darcy <joe.darcy at oracle.com 
> <mailto:joe.darcy at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     Please review the changes to address:
>          JDK-8224012: AnnotatedType implementations of hashCode() lead to
>     StackOverflowError
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/8224012.1/
>     As discussed in the JBS entry, this is a follow-up issue to fix an
>     implementation flaw in JDK-8058202: "AnnotatedType implementations
>     don't
>     override toString(), equals(), hashCode()".
>     In brief, the equals/hashCode methods in the AnnotatedTypeBaseImpl
>     classes are updated to avoid possible circularities  in their calling
>     structure. As described in more detail below, a comparison is made
>     against analogous implementation types in the
>     sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects package
>     (src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects).
>     A brief summary for some additional context, the original core
>     reflection had various "getFoo" methods in java.lang.Class and the
>     classes in the classes of the java.lang.reflect package. In JDK 5.0,
>     many of these methods had a "getGenericFoo" sibling method added to
>     preserve behavioral compatibility of the original method while
>     providing
>     access to information about generic declarations. In JDK 8,
>     "getAnnotatedFoo" methods were added, as new sibling methods to
>     support
>     type annotations, alongside the existing getFoo and getGenericFoo
>     methods. Semantically, the getAnnotatedfoo methods are
>     "getGenericAnnotatedFoo, but (fortunately) that verbose naming
>     convention was not chosen. A family of AnnoatedBar classes was also
>     added in JDK 8 to allow annotation on interior structures to be
>     modeled,
>     such as a method returning "Set<List<@Quux String>>".
>     Some notes in the implementation, the hierarchy of annotated type
>     implementation classes is housed in
>     src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotatedTypeFactory.java.
>     The nested classes are subtypes of AnnotatedTypeBaseImpl. The
>     building
>     blocks of equals and hashCode in that parent type examine the
>     underlying
>     type, annotations, and (possibly null) owner type.
>     The four subtypes and the information they examine in their
>     equals/hashCode methods:
>          AnnotatedArrayType: base information + component type;
>              GenericArrayTypeImpl.java compares component type
>          AnnotatedParameterizedType: base information + actual type
>     arguments;
>              ParameterizedTypeImpl.java compares owner type, raw type,
>     and
>     actual type arguments
>          AnnotatedTypeVariable: base information (*changed to omit
>     checking
>     of bounds*);
>              TypeVariableImpl.java compares generic declaration and name
>          AnnotatedWildcardType: base information + upper bounds +
>     lower bounds;
>              WildcardTypeImpl.java compares upper bounds and lower bounds
>     The newly added test cases quickly stackoverflow when run against the
>     old implementation.
>     Thanks,
>     -Joe

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