RFR JDK-8233527: Update Lookup::hasPrivateAccess and Lookup::defineClass spec w.r.t. full power lookup
Johannes Kuhn
info at j-kuhn.de
Wed Nov 13 19:45:29 UTC 2019
On 13.11.2019 20:07, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> Thank you for all those changes. It fixed two of my reported bugs
>> (JDK-8209005, JDK-8209078).
> Thanks for filing these good reports. JDK-8173978 resolved the
> issues reported by JDK-8209005 and JDK-8209078.
I'm happy I could help.
>> It also makes my suggested workaround for JDK-8230636 not longer
>> possible. Thanks for picking that up too.
>> I just have a question about the requirement of
>> MethodHandles.privateLookupIn: As it requires that the originating
>> lookup has both PRIVATE and MODULE access, it sounds a lot like full
>> privilege access. Should this be reworded?
> The two bullets about the caller lookup object must have MODULE and
> PRIVATE are important explanation for it to require such access.
> Maybe I can add a bullet to say "The caller lookup object must have
> full privilege access" and then move those two bullets as sub-bullets
> under it.
> What do you think?
This is a good idea, because full privilege access is a new concept, and
should be mentioned at the places where it is used.
>> Also, with the current specification, I don't see a way to abuse
>> jdk.unsupported's privileged access into java.base (which IMHO caused
>> the entire rework).
> Thanks for looking at this.
> Mandy
Shameless plug: I once asked on Stackoverflow if untrusted code running
with a SecurityManager and -illegal-access=deny but granting
|ReflectPermission("supressAccessChecks") |could escape the sandbox[1].
I found a way to escape the sandbox, which relies on the power of the
Lookup returned by privateLookupIn.
As this has been changed, I wonder if this escape was ever intended in
the first place. Are there any resources out there that can help answer
this question?
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