RFR(XS): 8234011: (zipfs) Memory leak in ZipFileSystem.releaseDeflater()
Lance Andersen
lance.andersen at oracle.com
Thu Nov 14 15:27:22 UTC 2019
Hi Volker,
> On Nov 14, 2019, at 8:53 AM, Volker Simonis <simonisv at amazon.com> wrote:
> On 13.11.19 18:54, Lance Andersen wrote:
>> Hi Volker,
>> Thank you for doing this.
>> As Christoph mentioned, you can just do Path.of() and create the file in the work directory for the test.
> Done.
>> If possible, I would use TestNG as that is consistent with the vast majority of the tests.
> I don't particularly like to nest one test harness within another one :)
> But seriously, I think using JUnit or TestNG makes sens if you write a whole test suit which uses the features of such a test harness (e.g. tear up, tear down, etc.)
Well you could use @AfterMethod or @AfterClass to clean up files etc… ;-)
> But for small trivial tests I really prefer to use plain JTreg. This also has the big advantage that is becomes trivial to run such a test stand-alone which may come handy if you have to debug it.
Easy enough to add a main method to call your test method (there are some testng tests I have seen in the workspace that do that)
> So if you don't insist, I'll prefer to leave the test as it is.
While I would prefer it for new tests, I am not insisting you need to change the test….. ;-)
>> I also believe the rest of the comments below are worth addressing.
> Besides that, I've addressed all the other points mentioned by Christoph. Please find the new webrev at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2019/8234011.v1/
line 55 you can remove the creation of the HashMap
line 73, do you really need the equals check seeing you do not do anything?
I am not sure throwing a SkippedException is correct, I would probably throw a RuntimeException
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
>> Thank you again for the fix
>> Best
>> Lance
>>> On Nov 13, 2019, at 11:26 AM, Langer, Christoph <christoph.langer at sap.com <mailto:christoph.langer at sap.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Volker,
>>> good catch in ZipFileSystem The fix is the right thing to do.
>>> I have a few remarks to the test, though:
>>> Line 52, initialization of the File object: I think you should just do Path zipFile = Paths.get("file.zip"); When the test is run in the jtreg framework, it's running in its own scratch directory, so no need to use java.io.tmpdir. You can also leave cleanup to jtreg and don't need to delete the file in the end (in the finally block). However, you should probably check whether the file exists in the beginning and delete it in that case.
>>> Line 55ff: You don't need to use this URI thing any more. You can simply do: try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile, Map.of("create", true))) { (line 58).
>>> Line 61/62: You're using a Vector, wow You should rather use ArrayList, I think...
>>> Line 85: This should rather be:
>>> @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>>> int inflater_count = ((List<Inflater>)inflaters.get(fs)).size();
>>> Same for line 89.
>>> Line 93 (Catch clause): I think we should fail in that case, too. Otherwise, if the implementation would change, the test could run unnoticed for years, testing basically nothing...
>>> Best regards,
>>> Christoph
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net <mailto:core-libs-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net>> On Behalf
>>>> Of Simonis, Volker
>>>> Sent: Mittwoch, 13. November 2019 16:23
>>>> To: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net <mailto:core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>>> Subject: RFR(XS): 8234011: (zipfs) Memory leak in
>>>> ZipFileSystem.releaseDeflater()
>>>> Hi,
>>>> can I please get a review for this trivial fix of an old copy-and-paste error:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2019/8234011/
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8234011
>>>> ZipFileSystem caches MAX_FLATER (currently 20) Inflater/Deflater objects.
>>>> However the logic for reusing Deflaters is wrong because it references the
>>>> Inflater List when checking against the number of already cached objects.
>>>> This seems like a day-one copy and paste error.
>>>> Notice that this issue is not as critical as it appears, because retaining of
>>>> additional Deflaters only happens when more than MAX_FLATER are used
>>>> and released concurrently. I.e. the maximum number of cached Deflaters is
>>>> the maximal number of Deflaters that are released while no new Deflater is
>>>> requested. In practice this is usually still a small number, less than
>>>> MAX_FLATERS. Nevertheless we can easily construct an example which
>>>> demonstrates the memory leak (see the JTRegtest in the patch) and because
>>>> the fix is trivial we should really fix this.
>>>> Thank you and best regards,
>>>> Volker
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> Amazon Development Center Germany GmbH
> Krausenstr. 38
> 10117 Berlin
> Geschaeftsfuehrung: Christian Schlaeger, Ralf Herbrich
> Eingetragen am Amtsgericht Charlottenburg unter HRB 149173 B
> Sitz: Berlin
> Ust-ID: DE 289 237 879
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<http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering
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Lance.Andersen at oracle.com <mailto:Lance.Andersen at oracle.com>
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