jpackage: Build 14-jpackage+1-49 (2019/10/2)

Paul Sellards paul.sellards at
Wed Oct 2 20:50:40 UTC 2019

First off, I want to say "Thanks!" to everyone for their efforts on
jpackage, it's desperately needed by those of us building thick client
JavaFX applications.

Possible Bug (or maybe the JEP-343 web page / docs need more clarity):

The --win-menu-group <menu-group-name> option isn't working on Windows 10
unless --win-menu is also present:

*eg:  Fails*

jpackage ....   --win-menu-group Shoozaloo

Nothing appears in the Windows start menu for the group Shoozaloo.
However, the program does install, execute and uninstall correctly.


*eg: Succeeds*

jpackage ....   --win-menu --win-menu-group Shoozaloo

This appears to work properly, it shows up in the Shoozaloo group and
everything else works fine. But it was not clear in the docs, and I would
recommend that specifying --win-menu-group should imply --win-menu.  If
nothing else, spitting out a warning message would be helpful.

But thanks again for the early access builds.  And keep up the good work!
I think it's crucial to get this into the Java 14 release.




Paul Sellards

paul.sellards at

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