RFR: 8231584: Deadlock with ClassLoader.findLibrary and System.loadLibrary call

Anton Kozlov akozlov at azul.com
Thu Oct 10 16:54:02 UTC 2019

Hi Mandy,

On 10.10.2019 08:00, Mandy Chung wrote:
> 2014 static synchronized void initLibraryPaths() { 
> This does not need synchronized since it's still during phase 1 before other thread can execute java code.

Thanks! I missed this

> LoadLibraryTest.java
> - please add @bug 8231584
> - there are places silently catching the checked exception 
>   e.g. line 62, 97, 117, 140, 157.  I suggest throw an unchecked
>   exception instead to help diagnosis in case the test fails.
>  121             return defineClass(null, b, 0, b.length);
> - it should pass name instead of null
> - in fact, TestClassLoader only needs to delegate the parent classloader
>   as it doesn't have any .class to find.  So no need to override findClass.

-- fixed as well

Updated review is:



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