JEP-343: jpackage Windows installer localization

Alexey Semenyuk alexey.semenyuk at
Thu Oct 10 18:52:23 UTC 2019


I've captured your input in [1]. Currently Windows installers are not 
localized. We just have sources structured to support localization.
This is a major effort to implement if multiple languages in msi 
installers generated by jpackage are required.


- Alexey

On 10/10/2019 1:46 PM, Sverre Moe wrote:
> It should be possible to provide localized strings to the Windows installer
> with jpackage.
> WiX supports building localized installers through the use of language
> files that include localized strings.
> There are three localization resources for Windows in jpackage.
> Though there is only one String in those three localization files,
> "message.install.dir.exist", all in English and there are more Strings in
> English in the main.wxs file that are not localized.
> MsiInstallerStrings_en.wxl
> MsiInstallerStrings_ja.wxl
> MsiInstallerStrings_zh_CN.wxl
> These could be customized by providing an application_en.wxl or
> application_es.wxl, or any other language to the resource directory.
> Perhaps also allow for further customization by providing an
> application.wxs to the resource directory to use instead of the main.wxs.
> /Sverre

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