[JDK 14] RFR 8232195: Enable BigInteger tests: DivisionOverflow, SymmetricRangeTests and StringConstructorOverflow

Amy Lu amy.lu at oracle.com
Mon Oct 21 03:13:05 UTC 2019

Hearing no other concerns, I'll do push soon.


On 10/16/19 5:49 PM, Amy Lu wrote:
> Hi, Joe
> I checked the elapsed time:
> DivisionOverflow.java          <10 seconds  (normally 3 seconds)
> StringConstructorOverflow.java <20 seconds  (normally 8 seconds)
> SymmetricRangeTests.java       <100 seconds (normally 60-80 seconds)
> I think it's fine and worth to enable them in standard testing. I'll 
> continue monitor the results and make necessary adjustment if they 
> cause any issue.
> Any concerns? Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Amy
> On 10/16/19 9:31 AM, Joe Darcy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How long to the tests take to run when they actually run?
>> (It would be helpful to have a setting in jtreg that could indicate 
>> "its okay to run the slow tests" or "run the more extensive set of 
>> test vectors," but we haven't defined such a mechanism as of yet.)
>> Thanks,
>> -Joe
>> On 10/15/2019 8:33 AM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
>>> Hi Amy,
>>> This looks OK. It looks like DivisionOverflow was already being run 
>>> however.
>>> Also, the navigation in your webrev is broken: is your script current?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brian
>>>> On Oct 14, 2019, at 10:05 PM, Amy Lu <amy.lu at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> test/jdk/java/math/BigInteger/DivisionOverflow.java
>>>> test/jdk/java/math/BigInteger/StringConstructorOverflow.java
>>>> test/jdk/java/math/BigInteger/SymmetricRangeTests.java
>>>> These tests require huge memory and need to run with -Xmx8g
>>>> They are skipped or tagged with @ignore and not actually run in 
>>>> standard testing by jtreg.
>>>> Please review the patch to enable them by:
>>>> * Adding @requires os.maxMemory > 8g
>>>> * Put them into exclusiveAccess.dirs (so they won't run 
>>>> concurrently) to reduce the risk of impact other test.
>>>> Tested on all platforms with small (<8g) or large memory machines.
>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232195 
>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232195>
>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8232195/webrev.00/ 
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8232195/webrev.00/>

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