8205132: Remove Thread.countStackFrames()

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Oct 29 16:26:47 UTC 2019

On 23/10/2019 08:25, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Thread::countStackFrames has been deprecated for 20+ years and has 
> been marked for-removal since Java SE 9. I'd like to remove it for 
> Java SE 14. It's was never a well-defined method and I've been unable 
> to find anything that uses it. The StackWalker API is a much better 
> solution for code that is interested in the number of stack frames.
Joe Darcy has suggested degrading the method in advance of its removal. 
We did the same with stop(Throwable) when we changed it to throw UOE in 
Java SE 8 before finally removing it in 11. Here is the updated webrev 
and CSR. The CSR will need to be re-reviewed. The method description is 
brief and the same as what we did for stop(Throwable).



Also just to summarize the discussion/objection from Seth Lytle. I think 
we've established that that it was a regression in JDK 10 that allowed 
that example to work. The method has always been specified to fail when 
the thread is not suspended.


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