RFR: JDK-8232186: Add verification for pkg and dmg tests

Alexander Matveev alexander.matveev at oracle.com
Thu Oct 31 00:37:40 UTC 2019


- Added trace to Hello.java.
- Re-done how FA is excluded for DMG tests.


On 10/29/2019 10:42 AM, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8232186/webrev.03/test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/AdditionalLaunchersTest.java.sdiff.html: 
> To disable running the test for dmg packaging, just call 
> packageTest.excludeTypes(PackageType.MAC_DMG) like this is done in 
> FileAssociationsTest test.
> The way PackageTest.isCurrentType() is used in AdditionalLaunchersTest 
> would disable fa checks for pkg packaging if the test would be 
> executed in the environment that supports both dmg and pkg packaging. 
> If you'd take a look at Mach5 test logs, you will see that the same 
> test is used to produce and verify pkg and dmg packages in one run. 
> Similarly on Windows tests build and verify exe and msi installers in 
> a single test run.
> So I'd suggest to remove PackageTest.isCurrentType() at all from 
> PackageTest class. It is not needed.
> - Alexey
> On 10/29/2019 1:19 AM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
>> Changes since last review:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8232186/webrev.03/
>> - Hello.java combined into one test app and will be used by all tests.
>> - appOutput.txt will be created in same folder as file used for file 
>> association.
>> - Other minor changes.
>> Thanks,
>> Alexander
>> On 10/23/19 10:07 AM, Andy Herrick wrote:
>>> looks ok to me
>>> /ANdy
>>> On 10/22/2019 5:29 PM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
>>>> Please review the jpackage fix for bug [1] at [2].
>>>> This is a fix for the JDK-8200758-branch branch of the open sandbox 
>>>> repository (jpackage).
>>>> - Removed --mac-app-store-category.
>>>> - Added Hello.java test app to support file association on OS X.
>>>> - Modified Hello.java to write output file to user home location if 
>>>> working directory is not writable.
>>>> - Fixed MacHelper:getInstallationDirectory(). It was returning 
>>>> extra /Applications when --install-dir is specified.
>>>> - Fixed SigningPackageTest to use path returned by withExplodedDmg 
>>>> correctly.
>>>> - Added install/uninstall support for pkg and dmg to 
>>>> manage_packages.sh.
>>>> - Fixed replaceFileName(), otherwise on OS X it was not replacing 
>>>> file name correctly, since file name does not have extension.
>>>> - Added NameWithSpaceTest.
>>>> - Removed OptionsTest which is covered by other tests.
>>>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232186
>>>> [2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8232186/webrev.02/
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexander

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