RFR: 8230648: Replace @exception tag with @throws in java.base

Julia Boes julia.boes at oracle.com
Thu Sep 5 18:28:05 UTC 2019


Thanks for your comments, Lance and Pavel.

The copyright will be updated before pushing, as Daniel suggested.

To address the tag alignment, I adjusted the replacement from 
'@exception' -> '@throws' to '@exception' -> 'throws   ', where the 
added whitespace preserves the original alignment. This doesn't improve 
the alignment (which is not consistent in many places) but at least 
doesn't make it worse.

Updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/jboes/8230648/webrev.02/

Regarding Pavel's comment:

     8157682: @inheritDoc doesn't work with @exception

I ran specdiff on the whole JDK and it didn't flag any differences but 
I'll look into additional comparison options.



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