Comments on jpackage (JEP 343)

Philip Race philip.race at
Fri Sep 6 22:58:50 UTC 2019

Please see

IIRC there were also concerns that jpackage was not the right place to 
be defining this,
and also I think Andy wrote some boiler plate code that demonstrated it 
was not needed
for at least some of these use cases. Andy (?)

So not being revived soon.


On 9/5/19, 2:53 AM, Lennart Börjeson wrote:
> Could you please also revive the UserJvmOptionsService, that (for very unclear reasons) was removed together with JavaFX?
> Since the functionality provided by the UserJvmOptionsService requires some cooperation with the launcher created by jpackage, I can't see how I could implement some work-around myself.
> (I raised this question already in, but without response.)
> Best regards,
> Lennart Börjeson

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