Feedback JEP 343: jpackage --win-menu

Andy Herrick andy.herrick at
Thu Sep 12 15:26:16 UTC 2019

yes - clearly something wrong here - it is supposed to find 
MuseIDE-launcher.cfg and create shortcut to MuseIDE-launcher - but it 
has come up with jvm.cfg - a completely unrelated file.

lets see - your input dir is the lib dir of your runtime-image. the app 
dir will be populated with everything in the input dir, so it gets 
jvm.cfg which is in every runtime's lib dir.

Not sure why you want to do this, but I think it points out we should 
not be satisfied that a file has extension "cfg", we should also look at 
it and confirm it looks like a valid jpackage app-image <app>.cfg file, 
before deriving the name of the app from the name of the cfg file.


On 9/12/2019 11:08 AM, Christopher Merrill wrote:
> Thanks Andy.
> Ok, so the image was created in the previous step using:
> C:\Apps\OpenJDKs\jdk-14/bin/jpackage.exe --input 
> D:\Work\MuseProject\ide\closed\install\build\image\lib --main-jar 
> MuseIDE-launcher-3.1.jar --main-class 
> org.musetest.ide.launcher.Bootstrap --output 
> D:\Work\MuseProject\ide\closed\install\build\jpackage --name 
> MuseIDE-launcher --identifier org.musetest.ide.launcher.Bootstrap 
> --runtime-image D:\Work\MuseProject\ide\closed\install\build\image
> There is only one .cfg file in the .../build/image folder, 'jvm.cfg', 
> which contains:
> -server KNOWN
> -client IGNORE
> However, the output folder (../build/jpackage/MuseIDE-launcher/app) of 
> the second jpackage step which I referenced in the previous message 
> contains a MuseIDE-launcher.cfg file with:
> [Application]
> <>=MuseIDE-launcher
> app.version=1.0
> app.runtime=$APPDIR\runtime
> app.identifier=org.musetest.ide.launcher.Bootstrap
> app.classpath=$APPDIR\app\MuseIDE-launcher-3.1.jar;$APPDIR\app\dynamic-classloader-0.2.jar;$APPDIR\app\IdeLaunchUpdate-2.3.jar;$APPDIR\app\jrt-fs.jar;$APPDIR\app\update4j-1.2.2.jar
> app.mainjar=$APPDIR\app\MuseIDE-launcher-3.1.jar
> app.mainclass=org.musetest.ide.launcher.Bootstrap
> [JavaOptions]
> [ArgOptions]
> I didn't create or supply that I assume jpackage did.
> Could it be the missing windows start menu item be affected by the 
> location of the main class?  In my case, it isn't in the main jar. In 
> fact, the main jar is empty except for the manifest, which contains 
> only the manifest version declaration. The main class is located in 
> one of the other jar files, which are correctly included in the 
> resulting image and installer. The .cfg correctly includes those JARs 
> on the classpath (and it all works fine when installed). I don't 
> really see how that should affect the creation of a shortcut to the 
> .exe, but thought I would mention it.
> TIA!
> Chris
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 10:34 AM Andy Herrick <andy.herrick at 
> <mailto:andy.herrick at>> wrote:
>     Strange ...
>     I can't seem to reproduce any scenario where msi installer created by
>     jpackage won't install a shortcut, but from the message:
>     "Multiple launchers found in predefined app-image. jvm will be
>     used as
>     primary launcher."
>     It seems that  you are using a predefined app-image  and there are
>     multiple launchers in the app-image, and the code is choosing
>     "jvm" as
>     the primary one (the one a shortcut will be created for).
>     This may be the wrong launcher.  When an installer is built for an
>     existing app-image, it doesn't know the name of the app, it looks for
>     the config file  in <root>/app/
>     If there are multiple cfg files (like you built the app-image with
>     --add-launcher it is just taking the
>     first one.
>     Is it possible this is what is happening in your case ?
>     /Andy
>     On 9/12/2019 9:54 AM, Christopher Merrill wrote:
>     > I am using build 14-jpackage+1-35 with WiX to build
>     an MSI
>     > installer. If I am understanding the comments in thread "RFR:
>     JDK-8229779:
>     > Shortcut creation policy", a start menu entry (and desktop
>     shortcut?)
>     > should always be produced with this version of jpackage command line
>     > options? The MSI installer I've created does not create a start
>     menu entry,
>     > even when I include the --win-menu option. Other people seem to
>     have the
>     > opposite problem (start menu item when they don't want it), so
>     clearly I'm
>     > doing something wrong...
>     >
>     > C:\Apps\OpenJDKs\jdk-14/bin/jpackage --package-type msi --output
>     > D:\Work\MuseProject\ide\closed\install\build\jpackage --name
>     > MuseIDE-launcher --app-image
>     >
>     D:\Work\MuseProject\ide\closed\install\build\jpackage/MuseIDE-launcher
>     > --win-per-user-install --win-menu --app-version 3.1 --name
>     MuseIDE-Launcher
>     >
>     > Other than this message, which I assume is a warning, the
>     execution is
>     > successful:
>     >    Multiple launchers found in predefined app-image. jvm will be
>     used as
>     > primary launcher.
>     >
>     > Are there other options that would influence getting a start
>     menu item
>     > added by the installer?
>     >
>     > FWIW, I am using gradle with the org.beryx.runtime plugin to
>     create the
>     > image and installer. Are there settings/options/stuff in the
>     image that
>     > would affect creation of the start menu item?
>     >
>     > TIA!
>     > Chris
>     >
> -- 
> ¡ɹǝʌo ǝɯ lloɹ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı

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