RFR 8221623 : Add StackWalker micro benchmarks to jdk repo

Brent Christian brent.christian at oracle.com
Fri Sep 13 22:07:40 UTC 2019


Please review these StackWalker and Throwable benchmarks for addition 
into the JDK microbenchmarks.


The StackWalker benchmarks use StackWalker's forEach(), walk(), and 
Options to measure retrieval of various types of information from the 
call stack.

The Throwable benchmarks do corresponding exercises; there are also a 
couple of Logging benchmarks.

A JMH @Param is used to test a variety of call stack depths.

In the future, we might consider a benchmark for 
Reflection.getCallerClass().  (It is more involved today to benchmark 
that method than at the time these benchmarks were originally written, 
so that one's commented out.) See JDK-8230976.


1. https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230976

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