Comments on jpackage (JEP 343)

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Thu Sep 19 13:13:17 UTC 2019

> As to why it has this Requires, perhaps I need to address it at the JavaFX
> mailinglist.

Yes, that would be best, as this is no longer related to jpackage.

-- Kevin

On 9/19/2019 12:43 AM, Sverre Moe wrote:
> Yes it would seem so.
> I am still perplexed to why it has an RPM Requires
> That one does not exist as far as I can find anywhere. It is not provided
> with the ffmpeg package.
> I thought perhaps it was the same library as only named
> differently, but considering that also is listed among the Requires it is a
> distinct package.
> As to why it has this Requires, perhaps I need to address it at the JavaFX
> mailinglist.
> How does jpackage accumulate its RPM Requires list? I thought it had it in
> a default RPM spec file, but I don't see how that can be, we use our own
> custom spec file, and jpackage adds many additional Requires not used in
> our own. Only when javafx-web is within the built runtime image used with
> jpackage, is these extra Requires used.
> The RPM spec template file does not have any hard coded Requires, only
> those from PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES. I looked around in the source code, and
> could only see this was set from the command line arguments for
> dependencies. Does it scan the runtime image to produce its additional
> Requires list? I have the javafx as dependencies in my project, but those
> are not "scanned" for linux package dependencies.
> Trying with the --linux-package-deps none of those dependencies ended up in
> the built RPM package. Only those from jpackage and those from our custom
> spec file.
> /Sverre
> tor. 19. sep. 2019 kl. 01:09 skrev Michael Paus <mp at>:
>> If you don't use audio or video, you will probably not need it.
>> Have a look here:
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 23:44:19 +0200
>>> From: Sverre Moe < at>
>>> To: Philip Race <philip.race at>
>>> Cc: core-libs-dev at
>>> Subject: Re: Comments on jpackage (JEP 343)
>>> Message-ID:
>>>        <CALAJ+5BRQFZXDt-8YxU_=+
>> qakvDETiRxLFcNY0CVH4pOEzggDw at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>> It is actually the javafx-web module that requires these.
>>> Anyone know what part of the Web module that needs the libavcodec and
>>> libavcoded-ffmpeg?
>>> We are using a small part of the web module, just WebView for Tooltip
>> with
>>> HTML. No Video or Audio.
>>> /Sverre

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