Comments on jpackage (JEP 343)

Philip Race philip.race at
Thu Sep 19 15:29:42 UTC 2019

I also think the list of dependencies is too much.
It is probably being derived in an automatic manner that really isn't 

For example these (at least) are standard libraries included in the JDK 
run time you are verifying

and this ..
... I am not aware that either FX or AWT/2D has any direct dependency on 
So this is perhaps being dragged in by some other lib (gdk) and if so, 
it is a bit presumptuous
to assume that gdk necessarily implies Cairo ..

and don't all rpms depend on rpm :-)
Seems unnecessary for it to be here :

rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1


On 9/19/19, 8:13 AM, Sverre Moe wrote:
> It seems jpackage should not need to add these Requires to the RPM package.
> If adding the JavaFX modules to the runtime image, these so-files are
> bundled within the lib directory.
> Thus no need for them to be required for installing the RPM.
> They should perhaps only be necessary as required if the JavaFX modules are
> not in the runtime image, but only present as dependencies to the
> application.
> tor. 19. sep. 2019 kl. 15:14 skrev Kevin Rushforth<
> kevin.rushforth at>:
>>> As to why it has this Requires, perhaps I need to address it at the
>> JavaFX
>>> mailinglist.
>> Yes, that would be best, as this is no longer related to jpackage.
>> -- Kevin
>> On 9/19/2019 12:43 AM, Sverre Moe wrote:
>>> Yes it would seem so.
>>> I am still perplexed to why it has an RPM Requires
>>> That one does not exist as far as I can find anywhere. It is not provided
>>> with the ffmpeg package.
>>> I thought perhaps it was the same library as only named
>>> differently, but considering that also is listed among the Requires it
>> is a
>>> distinct package.
>>> As to why it has this Requires, perhaps I need to address it at the
>> JavaFX
>>> mailinglist.
>>> How does jpackage accumulate its RPM Requires list? I thought it had it
>> in
>>> a default RPM spec file, but I don't see how that can be, we use our own
>>> custom spec file, and jpackage adds many additional Requires not used in
>>> our own. Only when javafx-web is within the built runtime image used with
>>> jpackage, is these extra Requires used.
>>> The RPM spec template file does not have any hard coded Requires, only
>>> those from PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES. I looked around in the source code, and
>>> could only see this was set from the command line arguments for
>>> dependencies. Does it scan the runtime image to produce its additional
>>> Requires list? I have the javafx as dependencies in my project, but those
>>> are not "scanned" for linux package dependencies.
>>> Trying with the --linux-package-deps none of those dependencies ended up
>> in
>>> the built RPM package. Only those from jpackage and those from our custom
>>> spec file.
>>> /Sverre
>>> tor. 19. sep. 2019 kl. 01:09 skrev Michael Paus<mp at>:
>>>> If you don't use audio or video, you will probably not need it.
>>>> Have a look here:
>>>>> Message: 2
>>>>> Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 23:44:19 +0200
>>>>> From: Sverre Moe< at>
>>>>> To: Philip Race<philip.race at>
>>>>> Cc: core-libs-dev at
>>>>> Subject: Re: Comments on jpackage (JEP 343)
>>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>>         <CALAJ+5BRQFZXDt-8YxU_=+
>>>> qakvDETiRxLFcNY0CVH4pOEzggDw at>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>>>> It is actually the javafx-web module that requires these.
>>>>> Anyone know what part of the Web module that needs the libavcodec and
>>>>> libavcoded-ffmpeg?
>>>>> We are using a small part of the web module, just WebView for Tooltip
>>>> with
>>>>> HTML. No Video or Audio.
>>>>> /Sverre

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