JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8199424: consider removing ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream native methods

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Thu Sep 19 22:34:58 UTC 2019


As part of my serialization work, I noticed some "to do" notes in 
ObjectOutputStream.java to get rid of two native methods once the 
integral <-> floating-point bitwise conversion methods 
(Float.floatToIntBits, etc.) were intrinsified. That intrinsification 
occurred many releases back and the recommended cleanup can be done now. 
Pre-existing bug for this issue:

      JDK-8199424 : consider removing ObjectInputStream and 
ObjectOutputStream native methods

Note the logic controlling for copying the float bytes is the same as 
the logic for copying the int bytes as both int and float are 4 bytes, 
same relationship between the copying of double and long bytes.

The serialization regression tests pass with this change. I have not 
attempted to benchmark any speed differences with and without the 
cleanup, but would welcome such an experiment being done.



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