RFR(S): 8241638: launcher time metrics alway report 1 on Linux when _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG set(Internet mail)

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Apr 6 01:50:07 UTC 2020

There is something not right here ...

On 4/04/2020 3:13 pm, Henry Jen wrote:
> Internal test shows that inline implementation is not working for some Solaris artifacts, because the -DHAVE_GETHRTIME is not consistently defined, so it is actually broken. :)
>> [2020-04-03T15:59:26,981Z] Creating support/test/hotspot/jtreg/native/bin/jvm-test-launcher from 1 file(s)

Are you sure that line actually pertains to any error? The test defines 
a custom launcher which doesn't use libjli so should never be including 
the header file we are discussing.

>> [2020-04-03T16:02:10,984Z]
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:10,984Z] ERROR: Build failed for target 'default (product-bundles test-bundles static-libs-bundles)' in configuration 'solaris-sparcv9-open' (exit code 2)
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,051Z]
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,051Z] === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,055Z] * For target support_native_java.base_libjli_BUILD_LIBJLI_link:
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,061Z] Undefined			first referenced
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,061Z]  symbol  			    in file
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,061Z] getTimeMicros                       /export/home/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/e101deec-9613-4d46-a64d-559e689496aa/workspace/build/solaris-sparcv9-open/support/native/java.base/libjli/java.o
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,061Z] ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors

This looks like a direct linkage error. AFAICS 
./launcher/LauncherCommon.gmk only defines -DHAVE_GETHRTIME for launcher 
executables. But if we are building libjli it is not an executable. I'm 
suspecting there is actually a long standing build bug here from when 
libjli was introduced. Possibly only evident on an incremental build.


>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,082Z]
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,082Z] * All command lines available in /export/home/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/e101deec-9613-4d46-a64d-559e689496aa/workspace/build/solaris-sparcv9-open/make-support/failure-logs.
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,086Z] === End of repeated output ===
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,094Z]
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,094Z] === Make failed targets repeated here ===
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,736Z] CoreLibraries.gmk:206: recipe for target '/export/home/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/e101deec-9613-4d46-a64d-559e689496aa/workspace/build/solaris-sparcv9-open/support/modules_libs/java.base/libjli.so' failed
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,737Z] make/Main.gmk:195: recipe for target 'java.base-libs' failed
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,739Z] === End of repeated output ===
>> [2020-04-03T16:02:11,741Z]
> I verified that either move implementation into .c as a function body[1] or change to #ifdef __solaris__[2] will fix that. So I think we will change to detect __solaris__ as webrev[2] rather than have an extra #define. If some other build want to have that, they can be modify that #ifdef easily.
> As I look into it, I found Mac have similar implementation with minor mistake, so I fixed that as well. Please review following based on zhanglin’s patch.
> I’ll push [2] once I got a +1.
> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/jdk/8241638.0/webrev/
> [2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~henryjen/jdk/8241638.1/webrev/
> Cheers,
> Henry
>> On Apr 2, 2020, at 6:17 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 02/04/2020 11:26, linzang(臧琳) wrote:
>>> :
>>>             Here is the updated webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lzang/8241638/webrev04/
>>>             Thanks for your help!
>> webrev04 looks good. My preference was to was to replace #ifdef HAVE_GETHRTIME with #ifdef __solaris__ but there doesn't seem to be appetite to do this now. I think Henry has offered to help sponsor.
>> -Alan.

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