Some Classes with a public void close() don't implement AutoCloseable

Andrew Haley aph at
Wed Apr 22 12:50:04 UTC 2020

On 4/21/20 10:06 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> (The usual objection to this construct is if closing the wrapper closes the 
> underlying reader, the t-w-r will close it again. This isn't a problem for 
> BufferedReader and most JDK I/O classes, as close() is idempotent for them.)

So here's a Java design question (or two) for you:

1. Should close() always be idempotent, where practical? I would have
   thought so, but perhaps there are downsides.

2. Should classes which implement close() with the standard meaning be

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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