RFR: 8243469: Lazily encode name in ZipFile.getEntryPos

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Mon Apr 27 15:31:15 UTC 2020

On 2020-04-27 17:16, Lance Andersen wrote:
> Hi Claes,
> The changes and the performance bump all look good and with the minor 
> change below helps the readability.

Thanks! Pushed.


> Thank you for using your performance expertise to improve this area.
> Best
> Lance
>> On Apr 27, 2020, at 6:11 AM, Claes Redestad <claes.redestad at oracle.com 
>> <mailto:claes.redestad at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> On 2020-04-27 11:49, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 11:34 PM Claes Redestad
>>> <claes.redestad at oracle.com <mailto:claes.redestad at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi again,
>>>> On 2020-04-24 21:22, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>>>>> It seems that 'getEntryHitUncached' is getting slightly slower with
>>>>>> your change while all the other variants get significantly faster. I
>>>>>> don't think that's a problem, but do you have an explanation why
>>>>>> that's the case?
>>>>> I've noticed it swing a bit either way, and have been asking myself the
>>>>> same thing. After a little analysis I think it's actually a bug in my
>>>>> microbenchmark: I'm always looking up the same entry, and thus hitting
>>>>> the same bucket in the hash table. If that one has a collision, 
>>>>> we'll do
>>>>> a few extra passes. If not, we won't. This might be reflected as a
>>>>> significant swing in either direction.
>>>>> I'm going to try rewriting it to consider more (if not all) entries in
>>>>> the zip file. That should mean the cost averages out a bit.
>>>> after I improved my micro to root out sources of variance, the
>>>> performance issue for hits persisted.
>>>> Luckily Eirik had a brilliant idea: Why not decode the bytes in the
>>>> cen to a String and compare that, rather than the other way around?
>>>> To some surprise it turns out this gives us about a ~1.2x speedup for
>>>> getEntryHit and getEntryHitUncached over open.00 - and comfortably
>>>> just ahead of the baseline on getEntryHitUncached[1]. It also leads to
>>>> slightly cleaner code[2].
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8243469/open.01/
>>>> The speed-up appears to come from String.equals, which is intrinsified
>>>> and significantly faster than the replaced loop. I profiled allocation
>>>> per operation and it stays the same (EA removes the String).
>>> Great! Another nice improvement. The changes look good to me.
>> Thanks!
>>> Following just two minor remarks:
>>> In ZipCoder.normalizedHashDecode() you've changed the line:
>>> if (limit > 0 && decoded[limit - 1] != '/') {
>>> to:
>>> if (limit > pos && decoded[limit - 1] != '/') {
>>> which was first a little confusing to me. But in the end it turns out
>>> that this is semantically the same, because the
>>> CharsetDecoder.decode() method called before is guaranteed to return a
>>> "newly-allocated character buffer" and its "position will be zero and
>>> its limit will follow the last character written". This also explains
>>> why you don't have to take the CharBuffer's "arrayOffset()" into
>>> account if you use the CharBuffer's backing array (because it will
>>> always be 0 for newly created buffers). So maybe you can put in some
>>> comments to make it less confusing for the ingenuous reader:
>>> CharBuffer cb = decoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(a, off, end - off));
>>> // 'cb' is a newly allocated CharBuffer with 'pos == 0'
>>> int pos = cb.position();
>>> int limit = cb.limit();
>>> char[] decoded;
>>> if (cb.hasArray()) {
>>>     // 'cb.arrayOffset()' is zero for newly allocated CharBuffers
>>>     decoded = cb.array();
>>> } else {
>>>     decoded = new char[limit - pos];
>>>     cb.get(decoded);
>>> }
>>> I think you can also remove the "else" branch (and maybe replace it
>>> with an assertion) because newly allocated CharBuffers are guaranteed
>>> to be backed by an array with array offset zero (see
>>> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.base/java/nio/CharBuffer.html#allocate(int)
>>> ).
>> Yes, it does seem the specification is pretty strong here and we can
>> assume that pos == 0, arrayOffset == 0 and cb.hasArray() == true.
>> I'll simplify to:
>>            // 'cb' is a newly allocated CharBuffer with 'pos == 0',
>>            // 'arrayOffset == 0', backed by an array.
>>            CharBuffer cb = decoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(a, off, 
>> end - off));
>>            int limit = cb.limit();
>>            char[] decoded = cb.array();
>>            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
>>                h = 31 * h + decoded[i];
>>            }
>>            if (limit > 0 && decoded[limit - 1] != '/') {
>>                h = 31 * h + '/';
>>            }
>> An assert seems like overkill.
>>> Zipcoder.get() seems to be the only remaining if block without braces.
>>> Maybe you'll wnat to fix that once your on it?
>>>     public static ZipCoder get(Charset charset) {
>>>         if (charset == UTF_8.INSTANCE)
>>>             return UTF8;
>>>         return new ZipCoder(charset);
>> Sure.
>> /Claes
>>> Thumbs up from my side. There's no need for a new webrev from my side.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Volker
>>>> Testing: tier1-4
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> /Claes
>>>> [1]
>>>> Baseline:
>>>> Benchmark                           (size) Mode Cnt   Score   Error 
>>>> Units
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHit              512  avgt   15  126.264 ± 5.297
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHit             1024  avgt   15  130.823 ± 7.212
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHitUncached      512  avgt   15  152.149 ± 4.978
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHitUncached     1024  avgt   15  151.527 ± 4.054
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> open.01:
>>>> Benchmark                             (size)  Mode  Cnt    Score   Error
>>>>   Units
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHit              512  avgt   15   84.450 ± 5.474
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHit             1024  avgt   15   85.224 ± 3.776
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHitUncached      512  avgt   15  140.448 ± 4.667
>>>>   ns/op
>>>> ZipFileGetEntry.getEntryHitUncached     1024  avgt   15  145.046 ± 7.363
>>>> [2] I stopped short of taking the cleanup a step further by decoding to
>>>> String even in initCEN, which sadly isn't performance neutral:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8243469/open.01.init_decode/
>>>> Something for the future to consider, maybe.
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> <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance Andersen| 
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