MatchResult support for named groups

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Tue Dec 8 06:13:14 UTC 2020

OK, thanks, good information. Clearly support for named groups is the most important 
thing missing from MatchResult.


On 12/4/20 11:43 PM, Cay Horstmann wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> 1: If there is no match at all, then results yields the empty stream. I don't think 
> anything else is required.
> 2/3: I wrote a fair number of regex patterns in Java, ever since they appeared in 
> 2002. I can say with confidence that I never once used hitEnd/requireEnd, or seen it 
> used. I note they occur in one file in the JDK 11 source, in the Scanner class. But 
> not in a loop that fetches all matches, but after a single call to find or 
> lookingAt. I think these are exceedingly uncommon.
> In contrast, looping over matcher.find() and extracting groups is common, and named 
> groups are a best practice 
> (;!!GqivPVa7Brio!I3YBH6KonWfqm4zW7pQRatPsLcj4rRjGOveB6NWQedZVU8BeJ3hknZcPy7rC1G2fug$ 
> ).
> Cheers,
> Cay
> Il 04/12/2020 19:53, Stuart Marks ha scritto:
>> Hi Cay,
>> Thanks for mentioning this. It's good to know that adding this provides value to 
>> people who are actually trying to use this stuff (as opposed to adding stuff 
>> merely for the sake of completeness, as often seems to arise).
>> I've added some notes to JDK-8065554.
>> Looking at this more closely, it seems to me that MatchResult ought to include 
>> more match-result-related information that's currently only in Matcher, namely:
>> 1. whether there was a match at all
>> 2. hitEnd
>> 3. requireEnd
>> If you have any thoughts on these, please let me know.
>> s'marks
>> On 12/2/20 2:53 AM, Cay Horstmann wrote:
>>> Hello, I'd like to raise awareness for
>>> These all ask for name). What they don't mention is that 
>>> this is more urgent in light of the methods
>>> Stream<MatchResult> Matcher.results() // 
>>> Stream<MatchResult> Scanner.findAll(Pattern pattern) // 
>>> In particular, Matcher.results() seems a cleaner way of collecting match results 
>>> than calling while (matcher.find()).
>>> But then MatchResult needs to support the same queries that Matcher provides. I 
>>> believe the only missing one is group(String name).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Cay
>>> NB. There are related requests that ask for finding group names in patterns, or 
>>> for correlating group names and numbers. I have formed no opinion on their merits.

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