Has it been considered to add inverse methods to collections which are in Optional?
Remi Forax
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Tue Dec 8 13:30:21 UTC 2020
----- Mail original -----
> De: "Dave Franken" <dwfranken at gmail.com>
> À: "core-libs-dev" <core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Envoyé: Mardi 8 Décembre 2020 13:17:25
> Objet: Has it been considered to add inverse methods to collections which are in Optional?
> Dear all,
Hi Dave,
> The class java.util.Optional could be considered a collection with a limit
> on how many values it can hold, minimum 0, maximum 1.
> Likewise, any class implementing the regular java.util.Collection has a
> minimum, 0 and a maximum > 1.
Optional is more considered as a Stream with 0 or 1 element.
The primary usage of Optional is to temporary wraps a value (or not) as the result of a computation so it's not really like a collection which is a more "permanent" storage.
> While Optional does not implement Collection, it could be seen as a
> pseudo-collection in this regard.
> Optional has a convenience method for which there is an inverse,
> isPresent() which is the inverse of isEmpty().
> Has it been considered to add such a method (or other convenience methods)
> to collections as well?
> For instance, java.util.Collection has the method isEmpty() which behaves
> exactly like Optional's isEmpty(), but it does not have an inverse
> counterpart.
Adding methods like notContains or notFilter have been considered several times in the past and rejected because it's too many methods with no real gain. I'm sure you can dig some old emails on lambda-dev and see the first iteration of the Stream API, it was full of convenient methods like that.
I'm sure Stuart or Brian have a template answer for that :)
> I think it would be logical to add such as convenience method to
> Collection, because we have a precedent with Optional.
> We could add `bikeshed name here, as an example I'm going to use
> hasElements()' to java.util.Collection and, for simplicity's sake make the
> default implementation just call !isEmpty(); obviously implementations
> could offer optimized versions if necessary.
> It would improve readability where we have the negation of isEmpty(), e.g.:
> if (!myList.isEmpty()) {
> }
> // vs.
> if (myList.hasElements()) {
> }
> Note that in the first example, which is the current way of checking
> whether a (non null) collection has any elements, the negation and the
> method it negates are separated by the variable name.
> If the variable would instead be another method call or any other, longer,
> expression, this would make the example even less readable as the negation
> and final method call are further apart.
> The second example has the advantage of more clearly expressing the intent
> of the user - which is to check if the collection has any elements.
> Moreover, it offers matching functionality for something which already
> exists in the JDK core libs, Optional's isPresent().
Apart what i've said above, Java inherits from C its weird compact syntax, "if (!myList.isEmpty())" instead of "if myList is not empty" like in HyperCard, i'm not sure that trying to solve that by adding one or more method is not trying to put lipstick to a pig. We are used to that pig since a long time to the point we don't think of it as a pig.
> If this has already been discussed and dismissed, I'm sorry for bringing it
> up again and if anybody could point me to the conclusion and the reasoning
> behind it, I would be grateful.
> Kind regards,
> Dave Franken
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